Thursday, April 16, 2020

Starting to get sick of quarintine

Day three

today i started with my business as usual, getting ready for my day when dad came over and asked me a horrid question something that i never want to hear something that made me itch inside and it was "can you go over to the wool shed and sort through the woll so that there ready for bails?" if you couldn't notice i HATED this job partly because it make me all itchy but because i knew how much wool there was and i knew that it was going to take me at least three hours to get this done. but anyway i slid into my gumboots put on my coat hopped on my quad bike and hooned over to the wool shed. to my surprise one of our workers were already there and to joy had half done the job. and even though i really didn't want to be there i still asked if they needed any help and thankfully they said no so i walked out the door back to the bike did a few victory laps and the way home and continued on with my day!